Creating Calm Nervous Systems for Generations
Creating calm Nervous Systems for generations......
I read a reflection this morning from John Whittington about our nervous systems and how our 'gut feelings' are developed, forgotten, and hopefully remembered as we grow. I won't paraphrase as John is a teacher of this great work, but would encourage you to follow him if you wish.
What I took from this reflection, was how our nervous systems look to other people's nervous systems (mostly unconsciously) to assess the situation and if it poses threat, comfort, excitement, defensiveness, action, etc. This is especially true for children as they look to us (adults) for protection and for the 'rules' on how to be and belong in the world.
This fits perfectly into my goals for this year with my own children and trying to be mindful of how my words, actions, and nervous system might be impacting them. The trick for me is how I respond, not dragging them into my experience, but trying to create space for them to feel secure to create their own experience. This last sentence is EXACTLY how I also try to hold space for Clients; keeping my experience behind and respectfully holding unbiased, calm, playful space for them to explore their own worlds.
Go gently but go
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