Is There a Better Feeling Than Belonging Somewhere?

 For many of us, a sense of belonging is what we long for, a comfort where we can feel supported to be ourselves, creative, innovate, fail, experiment, succeed.

Systemically, in every system you have been part of, you have a ‘place’. This is your place, be it the first, second, third, or last to join, it is your place. This is true for any system such as family, work, school, community, etc. You have a place whether you feel like you belonged or not. Some systems you chose to belong to, such as an organisation and some, you have not chosen such as your family or a school your parents sent you to. Even if you don’t see your family or have left the school or organisation, you will forever have your place in them and they will have a place in your journey.

 Place can be quite different from belonging and I see belonging as more of a feeling, how do you feel when you are in that system? Of course, we hope for a positive experience in any system and that we belong. Systemically, there are rules of belonging, and can be seen in organisations as culture as what is the ‘norm’. For example, a rule of belonging may be working on weekends (groan) or surfing when the waves are good no matter what time of the day (like at Patagonia!).

 This time of year has been time for me to look at the systems I am part of and consider if they are still useful for me or me to them. For example, I had signed up to way too many subscriptions which were really started to bog down my emails. I am respectfully leaving systems where I no longer feel a sense of belonging or usefulness and taking my time to join anything new. Taking time to consider the systems rules of belonging and the finite resource of time to commit to each system.

 As I move into this year, and starting to create a lot more opportunities for women in business, to come together, it's really important for me to make sure that those women feel that they belong, so that they feel in the best possible place to be able to do self-discovery.

 I was inspired to write about belonging after joining Beaches Healing, a collective of women in wellness businesses. I took my time to join and the reward was having a beautiful experience of joining as I took my time to commit. There was a genuine effort to welcome me into the ‘rules of belonging’ whether it was a lunch date, call, text, set of keys, introduction to others, post, or including me on the picture wall! (see photo).

 I am so grateful for this experience and the deep sense of belonging it brings with it. In my career in HR and now working with women in business, it has always been important for me to do my best to make people feel they belong. I am in gratitude for being on the receiving end of these efforts.

 @Dee @BeachesHealing


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