Be Welcomed into a Workshop where you Belong


Creating Space for Women in Business on a Self-Discovery Journey!

Be welcomed into a Women's Systemic Constellations Circle and embark on a transformative and empowering journey of self-exploration to help you better navigate challenging business decisions or tricky business relationships so you can move forward with fresh insights, renewed energy, clarity and confidence in your business. This is a special opportunity for women in business to deeply connect with themselves, others, shift perspectives, and learn new skills to better navigate entanglements and move easier in business.

What is a Women's Systemic Constellations Circle?

As an experienced Systemic Constellations Facilitator, Renata has combined the magic of systemic constellations with the sacredness of women’s circles for a powerful experience for women in business. They are a safe place for you to explore your inner self, embrace your strengths, and cultivate a deeper understanding of you truly are and how the systems you have previously and currently belong affect how you move in business today. 

Circle Overview

These interactive embodied gatherings bring together women with similar business challenges to explore various aspects of their lives and business revealing hidden dynamics that may be holding them back from their full potential.  You will be supported and nurtured as you learn about and experience the phenomenon of Systemic Constellations as a unique approach to moving through challenges and gaining new perspectives.

 What to Expect

Embodied Practices-Each circle will have specially crafted practices designed to be grounding, calming, insightful, and relaxing, creating a calm sacred space for self-discovery. 

 Deep Learning-Each circle topic will introduce a systemic principle where you will learn about how this accepted philosophy can impact relational dynamics in both your personal and business life. We will also touch on the basics of a systemic constellation to ensure you are comfortable to participate if you so choose.

Guided Experiences-Individual and group experiences to reveal the hidden dynamics in your life and business, explore how current and past systems may be influencing your current experiences (i.e. family, business, organisations), and reveal the mindset shift needed to move forward with renewed passion, excitement, and ease. Women will be expertly and intuitively guided to go deep enough to connect with the core issues whilst staying buoyant enough to keep momentum. Participation is always by individual choice and whilst you may not be ‘chosen’, all participants will be amazed at the ripple effect created from observing a constellation.

 Reflection and Integration-There will be time to reflect on the insights gained during the circle, set intentions, and leave with practical ways to integrate them into your daily life and business. 

Who can benefit from this circle? This circle is open to all women in business who are seeking a deeper connection with themselves, a supportive community, and a space for personal growth, self-discovery, and clarity and confidence in their business. Whether you're just starting your journey or have been on the path for a while, this circle offers a nurturing, confidential, and empowering experience. 


 Circles are run bi-monthly both in person and online and will have a different focus topic each time, although all challenges are welcome; in the end, the field decides for whom, when, and what is resolved. So be prepared to go with the flow and trust that you will get what you need!

 Circle numbers are limited for true connection, learning, and support.

 Circles for 2024:

MARCH-Clearing Your Path to Your Business Vision” (Book below)

MAY-Painful Leavings” (from organisations/careers) (Book below)

JULY-Explore Challenging Business Relationships” (Book below)

SEPTEMBER-Visibility in Your Business” (Book below)

NOVEMBER-Explore What is Keeping you Stuck in your Business” (Book below)

“It was so enlightening to see myself and my blocks in physical form. Throughout the process everything made sense and by the end of the session, I knew exactly what I needed to do next to get to where I wanted to go. It was extremely empowering! Renata is a wonderful facilitator of this work and gentle in her approach.”


"I have been lucky enough to see Renata in action both in a group environment and one to one. She uses a systemic coaching approach to get to the heart of the problem. Never heard of this approach? Neither had I, but it was something that I will never forget."
